Marcelle Guilbeau is an award-winning designer who has been featured in StyleBlueprint, Elle Decor, USAToday, Rue Daily, Nashville Lifestyles Magazine, nFocus, Apartment Therapy, and DesignSponge.
She has received Best of Houzz for the last five years and was asked to curate Wanderlust and Whimsy, a popular Joss and Main event.
Marcelle has accreditation through the National Council for Interior Designers Qualification and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED).

5 Tips to a Cozy Autumn Aesthetic
Autumn is here! The leaves are changing color, and the crisp autumn air summons those “cozy up” vibes. As such, today I bring you 5 tips to a cozy autumn aesthetic. The Autumn Color Palette Fall brings with it a gorgeous array of colors. The...

Marcelle Guilbeau: Top 200 Influencer in the Interior Design Industry 2021
From becoming experts on design theories ranging from minimalism to mid-century modern to intimately understanding the wide breadth of available color palettes and construction materials, interior designers help make our dream homes a reality. They guide us into the...

Kitchen Backsplash Ideas
With people spending more time in their houses than ever before, it’s more important than ever that we ensure our homes speak to the heart, inspiring from within. So, I have asked Rachel Burris, our guest blogger, to provide us with ideas as to how a...

Minimal Holiday Decor
Renovation update: The dumpster is gone, and we're awaiting our lovely furniture. If you’ve been keeping up with my blog, you’ll know that I’ve been in the trenches of renovating my dream home. With that, the many unexpected challenges of...

Dream Home
The building or renovating of a dream home isn’t for the faint of heart. It also is important to keep your perspective. The home is an outer reflection of who you are and where you are in life. It can change a lot, even after you have created that magnificent dream home.

How to do Eclectic Design
Anyone that has ever worked with me, or spent time reading my blog, knows that a big part of my work is helping clients identify their unique design style, or what I call their Soul Style. I have a process that allows them to get very clear on whether they are traditionalists, modernists, sensualists, or practicalist at heart. (You can learn more about that process here). Today, however, I am going to discuss an additional design style that is unique and fun, and that can be integrated into all four soul styles — And so enters, Eclecticism.

Sacred Spaces
Unsettling times... Today, whether it's due to the strain of social distancing, real health crises, or economic uncertainty, we are all in our homes, struggling to get comfortable. So today I am offering you some personal tips for grounding and transforming that...

The Color Blue
A Blue Year... So the 2020 color of the year is Classic Blue. This brings about the inevitable questions: I love this color. And I really love this wallpaper in that color. I’m seeing it everywhere, and it’s really growing on me. ...

Guide to a Sustainable Home
With all the headlines about global climate change, it’s good to know what one can do about it that is easy and within reach. When I studied for LEED Accreditation, I discovered there are three things that have the biggest impact on the environment: Building...

Vision Boards for 2020
What will define our era? Can you believe it's been 100 years since the roaring ’20s? It was a glamorous decade for sure, and the heyday of interior designers that gave birth to Modernism, Bauhaus and Art Deco... It makes this designer ponder how the new...