by Malena Gamboa | Apr 2, 2020 | How To Guides, Interior Design, Interior Design Trends, Nashville interior designer, The Soulful Home, Zen Style
Unsettling times… Today, whether it’s due to the strain of social distancing, real health crises, or economic uncertainty, we are all in our homes, struggling to get comfortable. So today I am offering you some personal tips for grounding...
by Malena Gamboa | Jan 23, 2020 | Interior Design, Nashville interior designer
What will define our era? Can you believe it’s been 100 years since the roaring ’20s? It was a glamorous decade for sure, and the heyday of interior designers that gave birth to Modernism, Bauhaus and Art Deco… It makes this designer ponder...
by Malena Gamboa | Aug 15, 2019 | Historic Architecture, Interior Design, Nashville Interiors Magazine
Traditionalist, more so than any other design soul style, are family and community-minded individuals. They tend to be people who deeply appreciate connection and history. And so, when it comes to dwelling spaces, they favor vintage homes, towns, farms, or parts of a...
by Malena Gamboa | May 16, 2019 | Interior Design, Nashville Lifestyles Magazine
Sneak Peek: Historic Victorian Home Kitchen Renovation Historic register Victorian house in historic Murfreesboro, TN just off the main square. This Victorian home was previously a bed and breakfast. We’re currently gutting it and in process of opening up...
by Malena Gamboa | Mar 19, 2019 | Interior Design, Nashville Interiors Magazine, StyleBlueprint
I had the honor of being interviewed by Stacey Weidower of StyleBlueprint the other day, about adventures in furniture snafoos. I was so impressed with her insightful and probing questions, so I thought I would share the article with you, dear reader…...