by Malena Gamboa | Nov 18, 2018 | Interior Design, Nashville interior designer, The Soulful Home
Holiday Decorating Ideas and Inspiration… There’s never a shortage of holiday decorating ideas during the season and usually starts in early October. You walk into a department store and it’s everywhere… And like many of you, I too...
by Malena Gamboa | Aug 7, 2018 | Architecture, Interior Design, Interior Design Trends
Concrete is that ubiquitous building material that’s been around since the beginning of civilization. It’s just incredibly durable (The Roman Colosseum comes to mind here, along with just about every lasting historical building). Today, It’s...
by Malena Gamboa | Apr 8, 2018 | Interior Design, Interior Design Trends, Nashville interior designer
If you’ve been following this blog since the beginning of the year, you’ve uncovered your Soul Style and know how your lifestyle and aesthetic weave through it. You’ve learned that your design Building Blocks need to support your lifestyle. Perhaps you’ve also...
by Malena Gamboa | Feb 21, 2018 | Interior Design, Interior Design Trends, Nashville interior designer
Since the start of January, I’ve been taking you on a journey of ‘resetting your home’ for the new year. I’ve covered unearthing your Primary and Secondary Soul Styles, your Soul Style Combination and Aesthetic versus...
by Malena Gamboa | Dec 20, 2017 | Interior Design, Nashville interior designer
Còsagach rivals Hygge Earlier this month, VisitScotland announced Còsagach, a Gaelic term that has evolved to mean snug and cozy, will rival Hygge’ the Danish idea of cozy. How do these differ? Well, Còsagach is in full bloom in the winter, which leans...