by Malena Gamboa | Feb 10, 2022 | How To Guides, Interior Design, Luxury Living, Nashville Lifestyles Magazine, StyleBlueprint, Valentines Design
February, the coldest, gloomiest time of the year, is a perfect time for cozying up in a romantic, dreamy space. Light the fire and get out those scented candles. Nothing says romance quite like candles! While Valentine’s Day is associated with red (hearts &...
by Malena Gamboa | Jul 23, 2020 | How To Guides, Interior Design, Nashville Interiors Magazine, Nashville Lifestyles Magazine
Anyone that has ever worked with me, or spent time reading my blog, knows that a big part of my work is helping clients identify their unique design style, or what I call their Soul Style. I have a process that allows them to get very clear on whether they are...
by Malena Gamboa | Apr 2, 2020 | How To Guides, Interior Design, Interior Design Trends, Nashville interior designer, The Soulful Home, Zen Style
Unsettling times… Today, whether it’s due to the strain of social distancing, real health crises, or economic uncertainty, we are all in our homes, struggling to get comfortable. So today I am offering you some personal tips for grounding...
by Malena Gamboa | Feb 24, 2020 | How To Guides, Interior Design, Reclaimed Wood, Sustainability
With all the headlines about global climate change, it’s good to know what one can do about it that is easy and within reach. When I studied for LEED Accreditation, I discovered there are three things that have the biggest impact on the environment: Building...
by marcelle | Jun 28, 2019 | Custom Furniture, Furniture, How To Guides, Interior Design, Soul Style, Sustainability
Sustainability is a trend this year and I can’t tell you how exciting this is for me. In fact, it’s so very dear to our hearts here at StudioGuilbeau, we make sure to integrate sustainability into every area of our work. There’s nothing that ever gets...
by Malena Gamboa | Jun 14, 2018 | Accolades, Articles, and Awards, How To Guides, Interior Design, Nashville Interiors Magazine
Lighting as a Layer… Lighting is a layer of your home design that you really must give special attention to. Aside from playing its functional purpose of illuminating your space, it also emphasizes the aesthetic of your soul style. The right lighting can...