Dreaming of a White Holiday?
*One glance at National Oceanic and Atmospheric probability map and it’s visually clear; only an approx 25% of us across the nation get to experience at least 1 inch of snow during the holiday season.* … And this is why we bring in the white with decor and design.
A white holiday, especially for those without snow, is about getting in touch with that cozy ‘winter wonderland’ feeling. For me, this is elegantly and easily implemented with white candles regardless of your design style. And if you are blessed with a fireplace, by all means, light it up and let it be your centerpiece, but don’t leave out the candles.
Below are some examples of decor that evokes that winter wonderland feeling as an antidote to the usual red and green.
On with the fireplace…

On with candles…

On with the twinkle of lights…

My White Holiday on Pinterest…
I’m including additional ‘sparkle’ examples from fellow designers who have gone-all-out for the holidays. They’re featured on my “white holiday” board on Pinterest. Enjoy and Happy Holidays!
I just love your holiday ideas for the table and all the rooms!
Also, great idea to decorate the bath area for the holidays and the seasons!