Alys Beach is one of my favorite vacation spots! The thoughtful application of design, sustainability, and luxury – as well as their commitment to nurturing and supporting the environment they have built within –  keeps my family coming back again and again. On my most recent visit, I was struck by the sense of procession and arrival wherever you went.


What is a Sense of Arrival?

It is that magical moment (hopefully) when you end your travels and arrive at your destination.


Nowhere is this Sense of Arrival more apparent than at Caliza.

Entryway at Caliza

This grand and gorgeous entryway brings to mind an exotic oasis!

Caliza by the pool

Caliza restaurant offers locally sourced fare in an al fresco environment that is truly inspiring.

Sense of Arrival

Crushed coral stairs wrap around the entryway inviting you to enjoy each new view of the surroundings as you ascend. Upon reaching the summit you spill out onto a rooftop terrace where each view is expertly framed by the space using both structure and the landscape. Waiting for a table at Caliza is a treat! Sipping a cocktail and exploring the views is the best appetizer.

Caliza Restaurant

The view of the pool is framed by diaphanous sheers adding to the oasis vibe.

Bringing It Home

Many times we think of a Sense of Arrival in regards to entertaining guests, but it can also be injected into a space to include a sense of pampering and nurturing yourself at the end of a long day. Here are a few examples of studioGuilbeau designs where we worked to inject that feeling into the interior…

The drama of the stair in this minimalist foyer beckons the guest to the surprise that awaits upstairs.

Bringing the stone in from the exterior to picture frame the entry to this kitchen creates the experience of walking into a luxurious hidden sanctuary.

Walking from the master bath toward this glowing, linen canopy bed enveloped by gray walls, is like walking into utter softness and relaxation…floating on a cloud.

Are you wondering how to create this “WOW” factor in your own home? Stay tuned, I am working on just such an event and you don’t want to miss it!

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– marcelle

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