Don’t worry, my design won’t leave you feeling ill! This rustic beauty of a kitchen, filled with reclaimed wood and elegant Moroccan touches, is a sensation in the world. NOW they have featured it in a “cozy kitchens” article- Thanks Houzz! See if you can guess which kitchen I designed and follow me on Houzz while you’re there 🙂

Houzz Feature

– marcelle


Urban Grandeur

At last, so proud to bring you this tour of a recently completed 8000 sq ft build where Mediterranean touches accent Urban Grandeur. The project was designed in collaboration with my brilliant architect husband, David Baird of Building Ideas, which makes...

8 Interior Design Trends For 2022

It's a new year, and for many of us, this means breathing new life into the design of our homes. Considering the many trends and styles emerging -- some familiar while others may be fresh new looks -- my team and I gathered to finalize 8 design trends to...

Minimal Holiday Decor

Renovation update: The dumpster is gone, and we're awaiting our lovely furniture. If you’ve been keeping up with my blog, you’ll know that I’ve been in the trenches of renovating my dream home. With that, the many unexpected challenges of...

Indoor and Outdoor Living Spaces

Summer Time Designing... Summer is well upon us and with it an invitation to expand our indoor living, outdoors. It’s a time for family, relaxation, taking in some well-needed vitamin D and inviting the friends for a barbeque... There is nothing better...

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