When I moved to Nashville back when, my friends were like, “What?”  But I had a special feeling about this cow town…..

There’s always been plenty of cow….. rustic, earthy – even a little sexy…..

There’s a Southern sense of tradition and family…..

And there’s this entrepreneurial spirit…..

The best kept secret about Nashville is…..it’s cool….. As a designer, I’ve always wanted to be a part of Nashville On The Rise – in the creation of cool spaces for cool people.  So when I met my clients Jenn and Brandon, I knew I wanted to be a part of their cool East Nashville house project they designed with my husband David (you may remember the Mixing Modern with Traditional Styles blogs…..well that’s them).  Now it’s built – and it’s so cool Josh Kelley just did a video in it!


(here are some still shots of the house, if you don’t have time for the video…..)


What’s more, my favorite pub is in the video too – Holland House Bar and Refuge!


(my pics from Nashville Fashion Week party)

And Holland House was just voted The Best Bar To Hide Out In by  Entrepreneur Magazine!

Rock on Nashville!  The secret’s out of the bag…..

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