by marcelle | Nov 1, 2012 | Accolades, Articles, and Awards, Architecture, Interior Design, Interior Design Trends, Local Love, Nashville interior designer, The Tennessean
The Tennessean has published a great article last Sunday, entitled “Nashville’s Modern Architecture gets Spotlight in Homes Tour”, pertaining to weekend’s modern home tour. The article provides a little back story on several of the homes...
by marcelle | Oct 26, 2012 | Architecture, Interior Design, Interior Design Trends, Local Love, Modern Architecture and Interiors, Nashville interior designer
So today I’m being interviewed by Mallory Baysek of Modern Home Tours. Founded in Austin. TX , Modern Home Tours, has found it’s way to Nashville for it’s first annual tour. Our home in Sylvan Park will be one of the homes showcased on this...
by marcelle | Aug 22, 2012 | Bedroom, Before and After, Zen Style
So one day I was talking to a group of gals about the fun of “mixing modern with traditional styles”. And one gal asked, “Can you mix modern with Shaker styles?” “Wow, that sounds really cool!” was my instant reply. In short...